There are many things business owners must consider when it comes to workplace safety. From providing proper PPE to minimizing slipping hazards, to interior sanitization, and emergency & disaster plans, these are just a few examples of items that should be incorporated into a businesses’ health & safety plan. 

According to Statistics Canada (Table 14-10-0190-01), on average Canadian workers missed 11.6 days of work in 2020. Employees may be absent from work for a number of reasons including personal responsibilities, sick days, and injuries. Regardless of the reason, absenteeism is costly and disruptive to a business, which is why successful businesses invest in safety. 

Below are four strategies to keep your workplace safe during and after the pandemic.

Minimize Workplace Clutter 

Workplace clutter not only weighs heavy on your space’s aesthetics, but it can also create tripping and fire hazards, increasing the risk of injury from falling objects. Take the time to create a system that keeps materials & equipment stored in a safe and designated area. This might include installing shelving, closets, or storing less-frequented items in a storage area offsite. The most important thing is to keep hallways & walkways clear of objects and avoid storing items in areas that employees may accidentally knock-off, resulting in an injury.

Keep Walkways, Parkades & Driveways Clear

In Canada, the risk of workplace injuries caused by slips & falls is at its highest in the winter months when ice and snow build up in parking areas and on walkways. It is important for businesses to keep walkways and parking areas clear of ice & snow. Also, consider the build-up of icicles around the building, especially at entryways. Icicles can break off and fall, which may result in an injury. In the warmer months, keep walkways & driveways clear of mud and gravel, which can also create dangerous slipping hazards.  

H2GO Mobile Wash can help! Check out our website for more information and contact us today for a free estimate.

Create an Emergency Plan

If the COVID pandemic taught us anything, it is the importance of having an emergency plan. Take the time to think through different scenarios, consider the impact on your operations, and create policies & procedures around them. There are many health & safety professionals you can consult for support. Ensure employees are aware of the policies and procedures should an emergency occur.

Sanitize Spaces Regularly

Many employees & contractors pass through a workplace on any given day. This creates an environment where germs can spread quickly, which can be costly to your operations in sick time. Common surfaces we touch without thought can hold harmful bacteria and viruses such as light switches, coffee machines, refrigerators, door handles, desks and meeting rooms, and more.

H2GO partners with business owners to provide interior sanitization surfaces. Our bio-degradable, hospital & restaurant-grade sanitizing solution, kills up to 99.999% of viruses, bacteria, mold & mildew, while also removing airborne allergens and odors. With H2GO’s Clean Stamp of Approval, customers are confident that their workplace is safe. See our interior sanitization surfaces in action in an office building, and contact us today for a free estimate.

H2GO Team March 28, 2021
