Toronto experiences a wide range of weather extremes, including severe cold, intense heat, heavy rain, snowfall, and strong winds. These conditions can take a toll on your deck and patio, leading to discolouration and a worn appearance if not properly maintained. Neglecting upkeep invites mildew, mold, and wood rot, reducing outdoor appeal and longevity. Safeguard your deck and patio and prolong their lifespan by scheduling professional power washing services at least once a year.
Book NowDuring summertime, decks and patios become prime spots for socializing and enjoying the outdoors. However, these areas endure significant wear and tear due to foot traffic, sun exposure, dirt, and moisture, which can lead to issues like discolouration, mildew, mould, and wood rot. Refresh & restore your deck & patio with H2GO's professional power washing services. Using a blend of steam, heat, and high pressure, our team at H2GO effectively removes years of accumulated dirt, restoring your outdoor space to its pristine condition.
Get your free estimateStore-bought equipment can remove stains and grime along the surface, but when it comes to removing deeply embedded stains or mould, you’ll need professional power washing equipment. Our power washing system uses high pressure, hot water and steam blasting to remove even the toughest stains and caked-on grime that gets stuck in between the cracks and crevices. Even those hard to remove grease stains that have dripped from the BBQ over the years are no match for our equipment. Our deck cleaning services will renew and refresh your entire deck area and preserve its appearance far better than any store-bought system.
Get your free estimatePressure washing can cause major damage to your deck if it’s not done properly. That’s why you should only hire a professional to do the job. At H2GO, our Toronto power washing team has years of experience cleaning delicate surfaces like wood and glass. Our technicians will adjust water pressure, temperatures and use specialty attachments to ensure a deep clean without damaging your deck.
Get your free estimateOur Toronto deck washing team offers the best quality, professional cleaning service in the GTA. From the first phone call until the job’s complete, you can expect friendly, professional and transparent service that you can count on. We’ll ensure your deck is spotless and that you’re completely satisfied with our work before leaving.
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